janam kundali by date of birth and time


janam kundali by date of birth and time

Chandigarh, Punjab

Price : Rs. 100/-

Do you want predictions about your future in Hindi! All you will get here. I am the best Astrologer Ravi K. Shastri ji that is famous for making janam kundali by date of birth and time in Hindi. The Janam Kundli is also known as Birth Chart. Anyone who want to know their future they must know their birth details or have their janam Kundli with them.

People those who want to get janam kundli in Hindi; I will help them in this. So, whether you prefer English or Hindi, I can make Janam Kundli in every language.

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janam kundali by date of birth and time

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    Chandigarh, Punjab